
The Chile Woman is celebrating 33 years in business!

We have weathered a lot over the past 33 years. Flooding, drought, a tornado smack dab in the middle of shipping season, armed white suprematists at our old Farmer’s Market, leaving that market to help start a new market, a global pandemic and then resigning from the market I helped create as I could not accept them not paying our hard working farmers for their products. There was no way I could tolerate the economic injustice of not paying vendors. For this, I was continually, and to this day, slandered online by former colleagues. I am grateful for the support and care shown from our local food community.

Thanks to all of you, we have come through all of that ready to continue growing peppers and face whatever challenges 2025 may bring our way.

I will update greenhouse hours in the spring. Check back here or on social media for updates. Greenhouse hours are by appointment after June 30th. You can still also order through the website for local contactless pickup, just chose the local pickup option instead of shipping. Please do not chose local pickup if you would like the plants shipped. If you have any questions please email or call. Thank you!

2024 once again brought changes and challenges to all of us.  I attended a different market last year just minutes from home and that market has since closed. Online sales continue to be off the chain as Covid led people to gardening and created a whole new sustained demand for gardening products. I love it that something positive came out of the pandemic.

Stay safe and healthy everyone!

More Information >

People often ask me how and why I became involved in growing peppers and I have one answer: it is a hobby that grew out of control.

Like many of you, I was dismayed at how few peppers were available at the grocery and nursery, so I began growing my own. Each pepper was so unique and delicious that I just kept growing more and more and more……I still feel there is a world of chiles out there that I have not tried but I am happily adding to my inventory each year.

A big thank you is owed to all of you who swapped seeds with me. Sharing and spreading chile diversity is a wonderful thing.

Also included in this catalog are sweet peppers, tomatoes, and tomatillos. There is nothing to compare with eating that first salsa fresh out of your own garden.

The Chile Woman gladly accepts Bloominghours in any denomination. Thank you for supporting our local currency.


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